Two Typhoon HIL-supported Eurobot teams rout rivals to make it to the finals

Last year, Typhoon HIL supported several local robotics teams who achieved a notable success at Eurobot 2015.
That is why they continued supporting three Serbian robotics teams in Eurobot this year.
In face of more than a dozen rivals, two of the three Typhoon HIL-sponsored Eurobot teams have qualified for the final robotics showdown in Kremlin-Bicêtre, France, on June 11-12, 2016.
Team AXIS qualified a solid sixth, Team MBS qualified in the third place, while Team M41+ showed masterclass with the first place in the qualifying round.
Having begun as a start-up with bold, new ideas rooted in academic research, Typhoon HIL now finds great delight in supporting soon-to-be engineers who share the same do-or-die spirit of innovation and who strive for new, unorthodox solutions to complex problems. Eurobot annual competitions represent in many respects the fusion of engineering challenges that Typhoon HIL feels passionate about: a combination of software and hardware platforms that have to cooperate seamlessly, behave as one, solve difficult problems, be rock solid and work blazingly fast. Moreover, cooperation with young talents allows Typhoon HIL R&D experts to forge links with future hardware and software professionals.
Vojvodina ICT Cluster congratulates the Typhoon HIL and Serbian robotics teams and wishes them further success.
Stay tuned for an update on how they fared in the finals!
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