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Almaška 17a, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia


Osnovna delatnost:: 8
Ostali:: 6

Godina osnivanja: 2014 | Limited Liability Company
Jezici: Serbian, English, German

O kompaniji

TotalObserver is a company engaged in software development. The central position in development is occupied by the software of the same name for Enterprise Asset Management.

TotalObserver comes in different flavours, fully customized for different industries.

Each TotalObserver integration has its own characteristics, which are identified in the early stages of the integration. The solution is adapted to the client needs. At the beginning of the integration the client chooses the version that suits them based on the industry from which it comes.

Osnovni proizvodi i usluge

Shopping Mall and Retail
Managing shopping malls or chain stores, both in financial as well as technical aspect represents a set of complex tasks involving in a large number of people.

Service providers
Management teams of people involved in the maintenance and optimization of resources requires a great deal of experience and knowledge, and the use of dedicated software.

Office and public buildings
Management of office and public buildings and premises that are used for this purpose represents a set of complex tasks that involve a large number of people, both for the financial and the technical side.

Maintenance management and invoicing in residential neighborhoods raises a serious challenge to the team: in a simple and transparent way to connect residents, facility managers, subcontractors and any other factors into a single seamless system.

Power production and distribution
The main challenge is efficient and cost effective management of assets.

Hospitals and health care institutions
Hospitals, health care institutions and related technical facilities can be considered as a property with the very intensive maintenance demand.

Property owners and users
TotalObserver allows for the detailed analysis of spending and its bringing into line with revenues, and identify where savings can be achieved.

Obim i performanse


Da li kompanija teži da zadrži poziciju ili da agresivno raste? Aggressive growth
Da li je kompanija kandidat za udruživanje, prodaju, zajedničko ulaganje? yes
Glavne potrebe (strateške, razvojne...) Strategic partner

