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New € 1.2 million KATANA accelerator fund announced on Novi Sad Info Day

Europe’s startups and SMEs active in agriculture, ICT will receive a major boost with the announcement of a new, €1.2 million accelerator fund. KATANA follows on from the success of other EU funded projects such as FRACTALS, and promises to find and support the highest potential ideas and turn them into market-ready products or services.

The Open Call 1 was formally announced in Novi Sad at the KATANA Info Day on November 16, an information and awareness event that gathered around 200 startups, SMEs, as well existing and prospective entrepreneurs interested in the development of innovative applications in agriculture and the food sector.

The Info Day highlighted the purpose of the KATANA accelerator, its links with previous and future EU funded programs, and how to apply. It included a mixture of presentations and networking opportunities, and was particularly interesting to regional market players looking for support to bring their ideas, concepts, or prototypes to the market.


How to create a winning KATANA video pitch?

During his presentation, Mr. Mladen Radisic from Vojvodina IT Cluster provided valuable advice on creating a winning KATANA video pitch.

“The goal of a successful application video is two-fold: sell yourselves, and show the founder chemistry,” Mr. Radisic said adding that applicants should particularly focus on explaining their previous experience and current activities, as well as their understanding of the dynamics of the value chain.

To fulfil the final evaluation criteria, applicants must clearly illustrate their vision for the sector/industry. Further, Mr Radisic explained the novel system of evaluations, a peer-to-peer (p2p) platform through which applicants will evaluate other teams and their pitches. In this way, innovative market players will identify those most promising among them.

→ The Open Call 1 starts on December 1st.

For more information visit


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