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Industrijska 3b, Novi Sad

+381 21 6341184

+381 21 6341184

core business: 100
other: 0

Established in 2004 | Private
Languages: English, German, Serbian

About the company

We are a software company that, in a dynamic and vibrant environment, nurtures exceptional and passionate people that work towards delivering supreme solutions and providing support to the clients. With over 250 successful projects all over the globe in our portfolio, we have gathered ample experience in a wide range of technologies, domains and sectors. Our expert team is capable to meet any need and fulfill high demands in the software development business.

Our focus is on applying the most innovative and effective methodologies and technologies, adhering to rigorous development standards, and implementing streamlined internal processes all with a singular goal: achieving and delivering the top levels of quality of our products and services.

As a company that is committed to staying ahead of the curve, we use the most effective strategies to empower financial and ESG innovation through advanced technology.

TIAC is a member of M&I Systems Group responsible for MDC services (Managed Development Center).

Main Products and Services

Our expertise lies in Fintech and ESG, Insurance and Business Management Software.


USA, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Norway, UK, Canada, Serbia

Physical scale & performance


Target markets USA, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Norway, UK, Canada, Serbia
Any unique product/service FinTech service provider
What is the short-term strategy? strengthening our position on our target markets through implementation of our export marketing plan
What is the long-term strategy? To become one of the strong ad recognisable custom solutions providers in the region. Moving our ori
Wish to hold position or to grow aggressively To grow
Collaboration sought in following fields foreign representative,sales channels,joint venture,EU projects,EU partners
Describe profile of desired partner company (System Integrator, Sales Service, etc.) system integration companies that would use our custom tailored services, smaller IT companies that
Main needs (strategic, development...) finding quality clients from EU, funding support


Major accounts Weatherford, Houston, USA; Novi LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; ServePro AS, Oslo, Norway; Datal
Service strengths Product/service quality, Low price of products, Experience, Skilled workforce, Geographic location
Service weaknesses Country – Corruption, Bad taxing policies
With what accounts are the best relationships FIS, Wedbush, Attain, DaySmart, KPMG, Alfie's, sTech


Overall reputation in the business community very good, the company is recognised as a compact business that creates quality products in its core