FRACTALS Open Call Launched!

FRACTALS (Future Internet Enabled Agricultural Applications)
FRACTALS Project (Future Internet Enabled Agricultural Applications), one of the 16 accelerators within FIWARE ( community across Europe, had its Open Call Launch Event on 25th of November 2014. The event took place at the premises of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, institution that is acting as one of the partners in FRACTALS consortium. Open Call lasts from 30.11.2014 until 28.02.2015.
The project will distribute a total grant support of 5,52m € to 50‐60 SMEs and Web entrepreneurs from all over Europe to develop Future Internet based applications for the Agricultural Sector. The FRACTALS Open Call will be launched at the end of November 2014, while the Call will remain open until the 28th of February 2015. The project partners are: The Development Fund of the Autonomous Province Vojvodina (SRB), University of Novi Sad ‐ BioSense Center (SRB), Vojvodina ICT Cluster (SRB), ATOS (ES), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR), DLO (NL), Association of ICT Companies of Northern Greece (GR), YASAD Software Industrialists Association (TR) and Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BG).
From the very beginning FRACTALS project has been supported strongly by the Government of Vojvodina region in Serbia (the region where both ICT and agriculture play significant roles for economic development), where Vice‐President of the Government of AP Vojvodina and Provincial Secretary for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and Provincial Secretary for Science and Technological Development addressed the consortium members and participants in order to wish them successful proposals preparation.
Beside project partners from Novi Sad, representatives of DLO (NL) and YASAD Software Industrialists Association (TR) were present and have contributed to the discussion and presentations for over 150 guests. All the useful presentations and Open Call documents can be found at from November 30th on.
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