A new project for Vojvodina ICT cluster “CapTTict” under the Danube Region Program

Vojvodina ICT Cluster joined in as a partner in the project “Increasing Capacities for Technology Transfer, Company Building, and Innovation in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies“ with the acronym – CapTTict. The implementation of the project started on January 1st, 2024, and will last 2.5 years, until July 1, 2026. The project’s central goal is to encourage new synergies, collaboration, and the exchange of experiences among innovators in each country, as well as to assist in the formulation of business plans for technology transfer and commercialization.
An essential aspect of the initiative is the establishment of an incubation/acceleration programme, the ICT Danube Digital Accelerator, which will support around 30 breakthrough technologies. Simultaneously, the project will provide access to and connect innovative activities and experts in the global environment via the digital tool EXPERTS.AI. Another significant aspect of the project is mapping the innovation environment in the sector of information and communication technologies in four partner nations outside the EU, including assistance in developing national S3 strategies.
The initiative will foster technology and knowledge transfer in the following countries: Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Ukraine.

The project’s total value is EUR 2,266,634.40, with Vojvodina ICT Clusters’ budget being EUR 113.130. The leading partner is the Czech Technical University in Prague, with a total of 16 partner organizations from 9 European countries involved in the project.
As Vojvodina ICT Cluster (VOICT) is one of the leading hubs for coordination and collaboration of triple helix stakeholders in Serbia – and with excellent connections with similar organisations in the Region. Our role in the project will reflect these synergies, especially with the higher education and public research organisations (HEIs/PROs) and institutions as main beneficiaries.
Experience in organising networking events, designing curricula in the education process, implementing training, and lobbying with policymakers will be useful roles within the project. VOICT will lead the main activities regarding the Presentation of the Action plan for an evidence-based approach to S3 and the example of data mapping to key technology transfer and S3 stakeholders.
The CapTTict project is funded under the first call of the Danube Region Program for the period 2021-2027. The Danube Region Program is a European Union instrument promoting cooperation between institutions and organizations in the Danube region.
To stay informed about the progress and milestones of the capTTict project, we encourage you to regularly visit the official website. Additionally, join our community on LinkedIn social networking platform.
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